Friday, January 16, 2009

don't never let noone tell you not to be proud to be Irish

A cup a scauld, a fag and the rubberbandits and I'm happy as Larry... cos I'm wasting time before I'll start studying (some Belgian wan's notes on) sociolinguistica Andaluza. Shmeautiful.

The Rubberbandits are a bold pair of youngflas from Limerick who make prank phonecalls and more recently they've taken to rapping all while parodying the Limerick City scobey culture. Parodying and celebrating the musical insanity turn of phrase only they can get away with. Their most insightful song to date is 'Up da Ra' which is a satirical portrait of the 'armchair Republican', the kind of lads who scrawled ugly grafiti of burning Union Jacks on every desk and wall of my school, the kind of youngfla who mispelled tiocfaidh ár lá or Éire 32 whenever they could. I personally thought this was fairly obvious seeing as the first verse is:

Yeah now we're gonna give you a lesson in Irish history:
For over 300 years the British army have oppressed the Irish people.
It all started with the Great Potatoe Famine of 1916
When the English took our food.
When we were too starving and too weak to fight-
They stole the 7 counties in Ulster.
So Eamonn DeVelara rode to London on the back of horse
And punched the queen in da jaw
As a symbol.

This video was taken down from youtube because of the negative comments it received...obviously there are some complete spa's out there if can't discern even the mostly thinly veiled of parodies. Sigh. Na'in but a bunch a gowls.

Memorable lyrics #7,092
Now is she an ugly bird or a big fat ride?
Aw mang I can't decide!
So sniffed some glue to clear my head
and rode her rotten on her mudder's bed.

I can actually imagine hearing that conversation coming from the higher up grafitti strewn seats at the back of the bus.

One time a good friend of mine was taking the 302 bus to town when he over heard two young wan's discussing one of the girls romantic exploits from the previous night.

Your wan: You still wit Jamie hun?
Me wan: I am yeah luv. He was over my place last night. We got a dvd and a chinese, ju know, aw it was pyure romantic like. Then he took me upstairs and jesus, if he didn't tear da hoop of me!
My friend: [frantically writing a 'send to many' text message and coining the most popular, disgusting, hilarious and overused phrase of the last year.] boys!

I would say, 'ara only in Limerick!' but overheardindublin kind of precludes this!

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